May 24 - May 28
We are almost done testing! Woo hoo!! I hope to finish up tomorrow with make-ups throughout the week as needed. With the warm weather, please make sure your child has a water bottle each day. Our water fountains have been off all year. There have been many uncharged computers and kids forgetting computers needing to borrow from the Media Center. Please make sure your child has a charged computer and signed planner every day. Thanks for all your help and support!!
Monday - P2 shirts, Art, & New Name Day
Tuesday - Music and Music Day
Wednesday - Late Start, Media Center, & Lights Off Day
Thursday - SEL and Kickball Day
Friday - PE and Joke Day
Upcoming Dates:
May 31st - No School for Memorial Day
June 2nd - last late start
June 7th - Kiwanis -no parents this year:-(
June 8th - Hot Dog Lunch and Lansing Zoom Tour
June 9th and June 10th - Half Days
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