October 26-October 30


Thank you so much for signing student planners nightly! The kids are very excited for the party on Friday. I hope they have all communicated the item that they volunteered to bring. Please remember to keep costumes simple with no weapons(or look-alike weapons) and no distracting accessories. Students will be dressed up all day and we will be learning!

I will be sending reminder emails about our virtual conferences later next week. In the email, I will include the link for the Google Meet. If your child needs to bring a school Chromebook home for the meeting, that will definitely be an option as long as it is returned the following day. In class, we will practice how to access the link for the meeting in Classroom and also how to lead the meeting. If you've never had your child tell you about his/her progress, you will be amazed!! 

Monday, October 26 - Art

Tuesday, October 27 - Music

Wednesday, October 28 - Late Start & Media Center

Thursday, October 29 - SEL

Friday, October 30 - PE & Halloween Party 2:30-3:30

Have a great week!!


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