
Showing posts from April, 2021

May 4 - May 7

We will continue to complete NWEA tests this week. Students reached their big reward so we will plan on celebrating on Friday. They will vote and record what they chose in their planners. Please continue to sign planners nightly and make sure devices come fully charged. Have a great week! Monday - No School - Teacher PD Day Tuesday - P2 shirts & Music Wednesday - Late Start & Media Center Thursday - SEL Friday - PE Upcoming Dates: May 12, 19, & 26 - Late Starts

April 26 - April 30

We will begin testing this week. Please make sure that your child gets a good night's sleep and eats a good breakfast every day. It is so important that kids bring charged computers each day. They can also bring gum or hard candy(mints or Jolly Ranchers are perfect) to eat during testing, so please send in what you feel is appropriate for your child. If you are willing to send extra to share, that would be great too! This week we will take math NWEA first and then reading. We will test in the mornings, so please try to avoid absences, tardies, and appointments if possible. Make-ups will be next week. MStep testing will begin May 10th. Thanks for your help!  Monday - P2 shirt, NWEA math, and Art Tuesday - NWEA math and music Wednesday - Late Start, NWEA reading, and Media Center Thursday - NWEA reading and SEL Friday - NWEA make-ups and PE

April 19-April 23

We will begin NWEA and MStep testing this month. Please try to avoid absences/appointments in the mornings if possible. This is a tentative schedule, but more exact times will be written nightly in student planners. NWEA will start the week of April 26th and MStep will start the week of May 10th for 4th graders. Thanks for your help with this!  As we look ahead to the end of the year activities, we are trying to keep the yearly traditions as much as possible. More information to come. Have a great week! Monday - P2 shirts & Art Tuesday - Music Wednesday - Late Start & Media Center Thursday - SEL Friday - PE

April 12 - April 16

Welcome back! Hope you all had a relaxing spring break!! We are in the final stretch now. Just a few reminders: computers should come back fully charged every day, all kids need headphones or earbuds, check the weather to make sure kids are dressed appropriately for outdoor recess, and sign planners daily.  Monday - P2 shirts & Art Tuesday - Music Wednesday - Late Start & Media Center Thursday - SEL Friday - PE