November 30-December 4
I hope you all had a nice Thanksgiving and were able to spend time together as a family over the long weekend! We have three weeks left until Christmas Break and there are late starts every Wednesday this month. With the upcoming snow and cold weather, please make sure kids bring boots, snow pants, hats, and gloves every day. They are welcome to leave their gear in their lockers if that helps! Also, please make sure they bring shoes to change into, since we sit on the floor a lot throughout the day, especially for lunch, and don't want to get wet from snow boots. Some things to remember: 1. Bring cold-weather gear and shoes to change into daily 2. Return your green conference folder(if you didn't already) 3. Sign and return report card envelopes( you keep the papers inside) 4. Mr. Hubble made every Monday P2 shirts day, so please have your child wear his/her t-shirt tomorrow and every Monday. This Week: Monday - Wear P2 t-shirts & Art Tuesday - Music Wednesday - Late Start...